The testo 610 thermohygrometer enables fast, precise measurement of temperature and humidity in indoor areas, for example in offices, warehouses, production facilities or server rooms.

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رطوبت سنج ودما سنج مدل -testo 610

The testo 610 thermohygrometer enables fast, precise measurement of temperature and humidity in indoor areas, for example in offices, warehouses, production facilities or server rooms. Furthermore, the user-friendly measuring instrument can calculate the dew point and wet bulb temperature for you. Both values enable conclusions to be drawn about the relationship between temperature and humidity and are important factors in terms of assessing the indoor climate.

:technical data


  • Measuring range:0 to 100 %RH
  • Accuracy:±2.5 %RH (5 to 95 %RH)
  • Resolution:0.1 %RH


  • Measuring range:-10 to +50 °C
  • Accuracy:±0.5 °C
  • Resolution:0.1 °C

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  • جدیدترین
  • مفیدترین
  • دیدگاه خریداران

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