The testo 477 makes stunningly fast movements appear as if they are in slow motion. For measuring speeds of up to 300,000 rpm and inspecting machines and systems while they are still running

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دورسنج استروب اسکوپ مدل TESTO 477

The testo 477 makes stunningly fast movements appear as if they are in slow motion. For measuring speeds of up to 300,000 rpm and inspecting machines and systems while they are still running.There is no way of telling with the naked eye if the thread guide of a knitting machine is working properly or if there is anything wrong or irregular about vibration or rotational processes of machines or systems while they are still running. The testo 477 LED stroboscope emits a series of high-speed flashes that makes what you see appear as a frozen image.

The testo 477 LED stroboscope can also measure the rotational speed of very small and hard-to-reach objects without having to first shutdown machines or disrupt production processes

:technical data

  • Measuring range:30 to 300000 fpm
  • Accuracy:0.02 % of mv
  • Resolution:±0.1 (30 to 999 fpm)

    ±1 (1000 to 300000 fpm)

  • Maximum current:50 mA
  • Protection class:IP65

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