دوربین تصویر برداری حرارتی مدل-testo 885-1

Industrial, Commercial, and Research applications are demaning work environments for any thermal imager. The 885-1 uses a rotating touch screen and swivel grip that can be vital for capturing proper images.

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دوربین تصویر برداری حرارتی مدل-testo 885-1

Industrial, Commercial, and Research applications are demaning work environments for any thermal imager. The 885-1 uses a rotating touch screen and swivel grip that can be vital for capturing proper images. The high sensitivity 30mK and 320 x 240 resolution make this imager extremely versitile in any inspection or research program. The SuperResolution setting will allow for detailed 640×480 resolution images, making it easy to pinpoint any problem areas.

:technical data

  • Infrared resolution:320 x 240 pixels
  • Image refresh rate:33 Hz
  • SuperResolution (Pixel):640 x 480 pixels
  • Image size:3.1 MP
  • Minimum focus distance:1.6 ft. / 0.5 m

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نقد و بررسی‌ها0

  • جدیدترین
  • مفیدترین
  • دیدگاه خریداران

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