Amazing image quality right out of the box, with extreme sensitivity and expandable resolution option (using IRSoft Imaging software), this thermal imager provides the right amount of power and flexibility to provide quality thermal imaging at a very affordable value

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دوربین ترموویژن مدل- testo 875i-1

Amazing image quality right out of the box, with extreme sensitivity and expandable resolution option (using IRSoft Imaging software), this thermal imager provides the right amount of power and flexibility to provide quality thermal imaging at a very affordable value. The high sensitivity 50mK and 160 x 120 resolution make this extremely versitile for thermal imaging inspection.

:technical data

  • Infrared resolution:160 x 120 pixels
  • Image refresh rate:33 Hz
  • Minimum focus distance:0.1 m (Standard lens)
  • Thermal sensitivity:50 mK
  • Image size:640 x 480 pixels
  • Minimum focus distance:1.3 ft. / 0.4 m

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