Use the testo Smart Probes App to take photos of objects and include the laser pattern and the temperature reading for your reference. Easily adjust the emissivity within the App and store data as files or share via text or email

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دماسنج مادون قرمز مدل-testo 805 i

Use the testo Smart Probes App to take photos of objects and include the laser pattern and the temperature reading for your reference. Easily adjust the emissivity within the App and store data as files or share via text or email. The testo 805i works on smart devices with either Android or Apple operating systems.

The testo Smart Probes App is a powerful and easy-to-use tool. It allows you to remotely read measurements from up to six (6) Smart Probes and easily document/report the results. Automatic calculations make it a snap!

All measurement data is displayed as instrument readings, tables, or graphs. The measurements can be quickly saved as PDF or Excel files. The App creates custom reports which can be saved and/or shared by email. All your data can be stored and retrieved saving you hours of time consuming paperwork!

:technical data

  • Measuring range:-22° to 482 °F / -30 to +250 °C
  • Accuracy:34.7 °F or ±1.5 % of mv (32° to 482 °F) / ±1.5 °C or ±1.5 % of mv (0 to +250 °C)

    ±36 °F (-4° to 31.8 °F) / ±2 °C (-20 to -0.1 °C)

    ±36.5 °F (-22° to -4.2 °F) / ±2.5 °C (-30 to -20.1 °C)

  • Resolution:0.1 °F / 0.1 °C
  • Emissivity:0.10 to 1.00

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