Small, handy and practical: the testo 511 absolute pressure meter measures absolute pressure and is also suitable for measuring the barometric altitude between two points.

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فشار سنج کوچک- testo 511

Small, handy and practical: the testo 511 absolute pressure meter measures absolute pressure and is also suitable for measuring the barometric altitude between two points.

The testo 511 is normally used to measure absolute pressure, e.g. for density compensation in flow measurement in ducts, laboratories and production processes. Other measurement parameters are barometric air pressure (= air pressure at sea level) and altitude above sea level.

Product benefits:

  • High-precision absolute pressure measurement with an accuracy of ±3 hPa
  • Suitable for barometric altitude measurements
  • Calculates the barometric air pressure
  • 8 pressure units available
  • Measuring range:300 to 1200 hPa
  • Accuracy:±3 hPa ± 1 Digit
  • Resolution:0.1 hPa
  • Measuring rate:0.5 s

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  • جدیدترین
  • مفیدترین
  • دیدگاه خریداران

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